Hi Friends,

Here we are people. It’s gotten very real over here in Nashville with the coronavirus pandemic. What started off a promising 2020 has quickly become unsettling times we are living in.

So, let’s talk day to day reality around here. First off…..the toilet paper is gone. People have made a mad dash for the Purell and the toilet paper here too. The people are no longer in the chick fil a cause it’s all closed and my kids are out of school for basically EVER.  All that to say,  I am in the same boat as you. I have three little kids out of school and the mandate in the Kadish house is wash your hands, lysol your house and try not to leave for anything that isn’t absolutely necessary.

While priority #1 is the health of my family and community, #2 is my sanity.  SO let’s be thankful for a minute. We are SO lucky to be living in the days of drive thru + delivery groceries and AMAZON prime!! While it totally stinks to be stuck at home with the kids with no where to go, at least we have a home to be stuck in and the only real challenge for my kids is how many snacks can they go through in a single day.

There are so many little things you can do while the kids are home from school that you already have in your home and I have compiled a list of a few more you might want to add to your arsenal. From bath tub fishing for the little to an intergalactic jigsaw puzzle that is sure to kill some time. I am also going to be coming at you this week with easy ways to pick up your groceries without having to leave the car to ideas for your kids from some actual home schooling moms to keep them stimulated and learning when you did not make the choice to be educating your kids as that has now landed in your lap as well (congrats.)

Above all else I want to encourage you. This too shall pass and we will be stronger and more connected than we ever were because of it. And moms, you can do this. Dad’s you can do this. We are courageous, we are smart and we will make it through the other side. Love your neighbor. Lower your bar for what needs to be accomplished today. Share some toilet paper with a friend. We are all in this together.

Follow my real life over on instatories too!