Aging. It’s inevitable. I mean we are all growing older. And it’ s beautiful thing. And for us, as women it’s not just an issue of the body, it’s an issue for our minds and our hearts as well. For me, beauty and trying all the new lotions and potions out there bring me a great deal of joy. I love to see what works and share it with a friend. And y’all… I have tried and used a million different products trying to lessen the signs of aging on my face. 

That being said, I swore I was never going to get botox. Like really and truly had decided against it. But that’s the thing. You make a LOT of sweeping assumptions when you don’t have single line on your 22 year old face!! Then came the career. Then the kids. Then time. Finally, the number elevens came and made a permanent home in between my brows and I started to reconsider my ban on the botox.

I spent about two years going back and forth before I finally realized it was NOT a big deal and literally everyone I know had already become a convert. I had made a mountain out of a mole hill. I started off slow, and of course after the first injection my number elevens were gone and I was hooked!

Today I went in to see sweet Christine at Gilpin Facial Aesthetics and she introduced me to Dysport. I’ve read that Dysport works faster and lasts longer than Botox. It is also a little less expensive but can require more units so the price works out about the same.  That being said, Botox, Dysport and Juveau are three different products who’s goal is the same. Rid your face of the fine lines and wrinkles you would like to disappear. 

Here are my rules of engagement for first time users.

1. The Injector (person injecting) matters. Like a lot. Christine at Gilpin here in Nashville  injected between my eyebrows and on my fore head and crows feet but stayed away from my upper forehead to keep me away from having a “heavy brow” due to the muscles becoming too relaxed. I would NEVER have known that. I am a writer not a nurse or an aestahatician. That being said, the person and the practice you get botox from really matters. Just because someone can buy a pair of scissors doesn’t mean that they should cut your hair! And just because your nail salon gives botox injections doesn’t mean you should get injected there y’all!

2.Go low and slow. You can always go back and get more, but you can’t go back and get less. And the effects last 4-6 months. Slow and steady y’all. We don’t wanna be looking like crazy cat ladies.

3. It doesn’t hurt. I have been asked this question so many times, and the answer is no. It doesn’t hurt. The needle is SO tiny and it just feels like a little prick. It’s not even worth talking about when you leave, it’s miniscule.

4. Ditch the guilt. Yes, is gonna be a couple hundred bucks. Yes you are taking time to do something for yourself. Yes, it’s worth it. Because it’s your face, and you are looking at it every single day. And your face is absolutely worth taking care of.

5. Who care’s what everyone thinks. If you know a woman with a smooth forehead over the age of 35 she has had botox. I know very few women who don’t get it. Getting it, is not a big deal. Not getting it is not a big deal. But don’t avoid doing something you really wanna try because you are worried about what someone else is gonna think. Who care’s what everyone thinks! Chances are your friends have had it and would LOVE to chat about it with you!

Okay. There is my 411 on all things botox. Bottom line, life is short. And so is skin cream. If you are thinking about it, I say try it. It isn’t permanent and its a lot more effective and cheaper than a $400 serum!

