Confession: I have never run a mile

I am the kid who’s parents wrote her a note that said she did not have to participate in the mile run in P.E. (I got headaches). I am the kid who joined band class because she would rather learn a wind instrument (flute) than play dodge ball every single day with a bunch of rowdy kids. I am the person who loves yoga. And pilates. And naps.

Second Confession: I signed up to run a half marathon

I am not built like a runner. I have long un muscular legs and big boobs and no midsection to support it. The latter is not a brag. Just a fact and one of the many reasons I might be better suited for golf or ping pong as a form of exercise. I don’t even know where to buy a sports bra to support this new found activity (okay actually I do and I’m about to tell you). I’m guessing it won’t be cute and will probably have 9 inch wide straps either way. Also I will need sneakers that will lift my legs up into the air and make this 13 mile run feel like it is happening on a marshmallow. 

So why in the world am I doing it?

Here are the top 4 reasons I am trying something new. Even thought I am completely afraid.


About 6 months ago I realized my 6 year old daughter had a serious misconception about something. She didn’t realize having a skill takes practice. Enter throwing a fit when she doesn’t slam dunk a ball at basketball. Crying when she loses a game. Proclaiming she hates makeup when she applies eyeshadow (for fun) because it looks “terrible, and like a clown”. This is on me. I had forgotten to teach her that skills are earned. I just assumed she knew. Turns out she doesn’t We can do things because we have worked hard. I can sing because I sang a thousand shows. I can apply eyeshadow like a boss because I practice everyday. I can kick dads butt at reciting all 50 states in alphabetical order because I took the time to learn the song when I was 9. But I honestly have hit a stand still on learning. With 3 kids and a home and a life I need to show her you can do anything you set your mind to. Even if you aren’t the best, you can grow and you can finish something. Because you decided you could! And its even okay if you suck at it. In fact, you are gonna suck at it for a while. That’s life. That’s also why it feels so good when you finally DON’T!


I have decided 2019 is the year I am going to do the things I never believed that I could do. This is the first thing on that list. I have believed so many things about myself to be true, and I’m really starting to question if the general consensus about myself is correct. What joys and accomplishments am I holding myself back from because I believed I couldn’t. That I am not capable of. That are for other people to achieve but not me?! This one is about to get knocked off the list. 


I want my kids to know you can try new things. Even at 37 years old with 3 kids and a limited amount of time to try new things I want them to see, especially my oldest because she is the only who who is not a toddler, that her mom isn’t afraid to try something new. Even if that means I fail epically. 

#4. I want to be healthier for my family. I couldn’t run a mile when I started this journey in October.. But I bet by February 23 I will be running one! And I also bet I’ll have a muscle or 2 in my legs that wasn’t there before. 

#4. This reason is for the mamas. It is not soulful & it is not spiritual. It’s just the Gods honest truth. I have made and given birth to THREE people. Three beautiful glorious humans.Two of them at one time! I am not hating on this incredible healthy body that God has blessed me with that has given life to my three favorite tiny snuggle bugs. But I have muscles that are lost somewhere underneath the pregnancy weight that is hanging on like it’s a full time job & a waist I still cannot locate. Please don’t get me wrong. I’m not obsessing over here. Worried about the day I can wear a bikini again. I’m too busy keeping everyone alive and fed. But losing the baby weight at 37 has not been nearly as easy as it was at 31. My post babie(s) body is stagnant and my waistline is screaming it wants to be found. I needed a kickstart. 

#5. It just felt right when I signed up. I clicked that button and paid that $199 fee to push my body to its brink and it felt like the right thing to do. And I get to do it at Disney World. And share my journey with you along the way. What could be so bad about that?

